I like to say Hello and welcome you good day that is my name

I use CSP and a Kamvas 16.Name is cray, And if I'm not busy eating crayons
for breakfast I am being yelled at by the skeletons next door
I mostly do drawings both digital and traditional, do Pixelart / animations in Aseprite and a healthy dosis of doom II moddingProject lead of the Bushmills brewery

Please be advised I do not take commissions or Art requests from strangers, acquaintances/friends are free to discuss it with me though

"I have a feeling of hope, that things will get better, that I can do it. While I look back, I've could've done things differently and had better results. But through all the mistakes I've made, I've learnt and I've grown; and as long as I'm not dead there is always tomorrow.While I probably haven't taken the best path, the path I've taken is my own and I will do the best I can to walk it."- Comment from "The True Inferno" on Sewerslvts channel

Small Portfolio

Gift for lunex

Serious Sam 2 gamenight poster

Personal Sona

Scrapped Friday Night Funkin Peppino mod

Yung Venuz First Person Sprite Animations for Doom II

WAR! Fanart for Pizza Tower

Usually I would conduct the past year in a Twitter post (I refuse to call it X), but considering the baby money man with his childish attitude and receding hairline cannot behave himself, I ought to write it into here.2023 in hindsight was a great year. Pizza Tower finally came out fresh from the oven after 5 years, and our mod BYOC got its public release in Q2. I got to meet people all over the world at Insomnia i71, was invited to the hugs.tf charity livestream event in Lancaster, I am moving into my final months of my apprenticeship and made several long lasting memories with the people I care the most about.The trip to i71 was especially fun. I have made a lot of good lasting memories on that trip. Like our little party in the best room of the Genting hotel, blasting the Bruno Powroznik video about shoving things up his arse, and the boys yelling each object with such a passion that could only be replicated in Britian. Or the moment a pal and me stormed out from the Pub Quiz venue, shitfaced drunk and hopping like absolute dumbfucks to L O N D I S in the NEC, shouting BOOZE all over again with me making the worst Scotsman impression I could muster as a german person.The hugs.tf livestream was incredible as well. Raising $30000 for charity is something amazing and I am very glad to be part of it.
Met new people there as well, alongside seeing familiar faces.
Aside from that, I've met people from all walks of life. People that I can still remember on this cold December month. I really want to thank each individually, but there would be too many to count. The people I have joked around with and talked to, the people that I have listened to and how they shared their own troubles with me, comforting them. The people I met outside (including the internet), the people that messaged me to invite me to social events. The people that checked up on me, asking how I am feeling.One event however was really special. The release of Pizza Tower. Having anticipated the game for over 5 years and getting really integrated into its community, the moment that Buy Button on Steam appeared I was floored. All gamenights before with my friends, all the art, everything the devs and me have done has culimated into this one single moment. Pizza Tower is not only a phenominal game in its own right, but is a celebration of all the previous memories I have personally experienced the years prior from 2020 to 2022. The laughs, the collaborative effort for BYOC, the projects we worked on together. I was unable to have a feeling of a tightknigkt community before due to personal issues I have not fixed on until 2020. Now I have it. And it's the best feeling anyone could ever have.Really, the best way I can summarise 2023 is that it is a sum of the best parts from the previous years. All the hard work that has gone into improving my Quality of Life is paying off big time now, and it's only going to get better from here. While I am nowhere done with bettering myself and getting help, the fact that I can stand in front of you today is incredible.All the trials and tribulations have culimated in this year of "I can finally say I can live." I can say "I feel alive." After all the past 2 decades, it is finally over. I can live. With you. Everyone else.Happy new year. Stay safe out there.

Stop revealing your personal weaknesses online.It doesn't matter in whatever context you openly talk about your triggers, DNI lists, mental illnesses or whatever you want to call it.Openly presenting your weak points like this can be used with malicious intent, and WILL be. You are more easily manipulable. You will receive targeted harassment and said people will use the information you reveal on your bio to press your buttons in even more uncomfortable ways you didn't even think of.Shut up and take that list off. It's basic internet etiquette 101.